Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

web design certificate gmu

web design certificate gmu

[music] this is one of the technical electives forthe bioengineering students at mason. and this is a class in partnershipwith inova hospital. >> the best part of this classis that it's very hands-on. you get to work one-on-onewith the doctors and get to work with some of the equipmentthat's used in real life. >> we have a patient right now withan implant to control her seizure. the students get to talk to the patientand understand how the technology works. >> the second lab is we actually hookthe students up to an eeg monitor

to measure their brainwaves. well bioengineering, especially in the neuroscience area,it really is the future. >> it's pretty difficult,just like every other engineering, like electrical and mechanical. but i think the rewards are just that muchbetter because you know you're really, actually helping people with theirhealth and with their lives. >> if you like engineering and youare looking for opportunities to learn and grow, this is definitely the place whereyou can get classroom experience and

hands-on experience. >> innovation has to start somewhere. by getting these students andby priming their mind, if you will, to new ideas and to applications,they come up with ideas that will ultimately lead to clinicaltechnologies that affect patients. so the process really starts here.

web design certificate gmu Vue.js : Build Interactive Web Interface with Data-Reactive

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